Sebuah aplikasi / Software selalu menyediakan shortcut (jalan pintas) ialah dengan menekan beberapa kombinasi tombol. Dalam posting kali ini yang dibahas shortcut pada Browser Mozilla.
Jika belum punya browser Mozilla Firefox silahkan Download dulu.
Browser Mozilla juga menyediakan shortcut untuk fasilitas berinternet kepada penggunanya.
Mungkin sebagian pengguna sudah familiar dengan beberapa shortcut yang ada dalam browser Firefox, menyerupai Ctrl + Tab untuk membuka tab baru, Ctrl + Shitf + Tab untuk membuka kembali Tab yang telah tertutup, ataupun Ctrl + W untuk menutup Tab yang sedang aktif.
Sebenarnya masih banyak terdapat shortcut yang sanggup di gunakan, Untuk Shortcut lainnya yang sanggup dipakai di browser Firefox Mozilla, menyerupai yang tertera dalam tabel dibawah ini :
Command | Windows | Mac | Linux |
Command | Windows | Mac | Linux |
Copy | Ctrl+C | Cmd+C | Ctrl+C |
Paste | Ctrl+V | Cmd+V | Ctrl+V |
Cut | Ctrl+X | Cmd+X | Ctrl+X |
Close Window | Ctrl+W | Cmd+W | Ctrl+W |
Delete Next Word | Ctrl+Del | | Ctrl+Del |
Go Up One Page | Page Up | Page Up | Page Up |
Go Down One Page | Page Down | Page Down | Page Down |
Go Up One Line | Up Arrow | Up Arrow | Up Arrow |
Go Down One Line | Down Arrow | Down Arrow | Down Arrow |
Undo | Ctrl+Z | Cmd+Z | Ctrl+Z |
Redo | Ctrl+Shift+Z | Cmd+Shift+Z | Ctrl+Shift+Z |
Find | Ctrl+F | Cmd+F | Ctrl+F |
Find Again | Ctrl+G or F3 | Cmd+G | Ctrl+G |
Find Links As You Type | ‘ (apostrophe) | ‘ (apostrophe) | ‘ (apostrophe) |
Find Text As You Type | / | / | / |
Open search engine page | Ctrl+Shift+F | Cmd+Shift+F | Ctrl+Shift+F |
Open Context Menu | Shift+F10 | Ctrl+Space | Shift+F10 |
Open Main Menu (switches to the first drop-down sajian at the top of the window. example: “File” in Windows) | Alt or F10 | (Mac OS X: Controlled through keyboard preference in Control Panel) | F10 |
Move to beginning of line (in a text editing field) | Home | Cmd+Left Arrow | Ctrl+A |
Move to end of line (in a text editing field) | End | Cmd+Right Arrow | Ctrl+E |
Exit Mozilla | Ctrl+Q | Cmd+Q | Ctrl+Q |
Start Navigator | Ctrl+1 | Cmd+1 | Ctrl+1 |
Start Mail & Newsgroups | Ctrl+2 | Cmd+2 | Ctrl+2 |
Start Composer | Ctrl+4 | Cmd+4 | Ctrl+4 |
Start Address Book | Ctrl+5 | Cmd+5 | Ctrl+5 |
Start IRC Chat | Ctrl+6 | Cmd+6 | Ctrl+6 |
Page Navigation Shortcuts
Command | Windows | Mac | Linux |
Command | Windows | Mac | Linux |
Open History Window | Ctrl+H | Cmd+Shift+H | Ctrl+H |
Reload | Ctrl+R | Cmd+R | Ctrl+R |
Force Reload (not from cache) | Ctrl+Shift+R | Cmd+Shift+R | Ctrl+Shift+R |
Back | Alt+Left Arrow or Backspace | Cmd+Left Arrow | Alt+Left Arrow |
Forward | Alt+Right Arrow | Cmd+Right Arrow | Alt+Right Arrow |
Stop | Esc | Esc | Esc |
Home | Alt+Home | Cmd+Home | Alt+Home |
Go to Bottom of Page | End | | End |
Go to Top of Page | Home | Home | Home |
Select All Text in Location Bar | Ctrl+L or Alt+D | Cmd+L | Ctrl+L or Alt+D |
Open Web Page Location | Ctrl+Shift+L | Cmd+Shift+L | Ctrl+Shift+L |
Open Selected Link in a Web Page | Enter | Return | Enter |
Exit Mozilla | Ctrl+Q | Cmd+Q | Ctrl+Q |
Move to Next Frame (in web pages using frames) | F6 | Ctrl+Tab or F6 (if F6 is not programmed for another command) | F6 |
Move to Previous Frame (in web pages using frames) | Shift+F6 | Ctrl+Shift+Tab or Shift+F6 (if F6 is not programmed for another command) | Shift+F6 |
New Navigator Window | Ctrl+N | Cmd+N | Ctrl+N |
Move to Next/Previous Link or Form Element in a Web Page | Tab/Shift+Tab | Tab/Shift+Tab | Tab/Shift+Tab |
Open File | Ctrl+O | Cmd+O | Ctrl+O |
Close Window | Ctrl+W | Cmd+W | Ctrl+W |
Save Page As | Ctrl+S | Cmd+S | Ctrl+S |
Save Linked Page (when a link is selected) | Shift+Enter | Option+Enter | Shift+Enter |
Print Page | Ctrl+P | Cmd+P | Ctrl+P |
Go Up One Page | Page Up/ Shift+Space | Page Up/ Shift+Space | Page Up/ Shift+Space |
Go Down One Page | Page Down/Space | Page Down/Space | Page Down/Space |
Go Up One Line | Up Arrow | Up Arrow | Up Arrow |
Go Down One Line | Down Arrow | Down Arrow | Down Arrow |
Turn on/off Caret Mode | F7 | F7 (if F7 is not programmed for another command) | F7 |
Page Viewing Shortcuts
Command | Windows | Mac | Linux |
Full Screen (toggle) | F11 | | F11 (may depend on window manager) |
Zoom Text Smaller | Ctrl+- (minus sign) | Cmd+- (minus sign) | Ctrl+- (minus sign) |
Zoom Text Larger | Ctrl+= (plus sign) | Cmd+= (plus sign) | Ctrl+= (plus sign) |
No Zoom (back to normal/100{8b1dcbf9295d470b6fc6f0c964cd89e83e63c2758fab5815b9c3db84b919353d}) | Ctrl+0 | Cmd+0 | Ctrl+0 |
View Page Information | Ctrl+I | Cmd+I | Ctrl+I |
View Page Source | Ctrl+U | Cmd+U | Ctrl+U |
Tabbed Browsing Shortcuts
Command | Windows | Mac | Linux |
New Navigator Tab | Ctrl+T | Cmd+T | Ctrl+T |
Switch to Next Tab (when using Tabbed Browsing with more then one tab) | Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+Page Down | Ctrl+Page Down | Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+Page Down |
Switch to Previous Tab (when using Tabbed Browsing with more then one tab) | Ctrl+Shift+Tab or Ctrl+Page Up | Ctrl+Page Up | Ctrl+Page Up |
Close Tab (Close window if one page open) | Ctrl+W | Cmd+W | Ctrl+W |
Open link in new foreground tab | Insert | | Insert |
Open link in new background tab | Shift+Insert | Shift+Insert | Shift+Insert |
Sidebar Shortcuts
Command | Windows | Mac | Linux |
Open/Close Sidebar (toggle) | F9 | F9 | F9 |
Switch to Next Sidebar Panel | Alt+Page Down | Option+Page Down | Alt+Page Down |
Switch to Previous Sidebar Panel | Alt+Page Up | Option+Page Up | Alt+Page Up |
Forms Shortcuts
Command | Windows | Mac | Linux |
Move to Next/Previous Item in Form | Tab/Shift+Tab | Tab/Shift+Tab | Tab/Shift+Tab |
Submit Form | Enter | Enter | Enter |
Press Selected Button / Select Radio Button) | Space | Space | Space |
Select an Item from a List | Up Arrow, Down Arrow, or First Letter of Item Name | Up Arrow, Down Arrow, or First Letter of Item Name | Up Arrow, Down Arrow, or First Letter of Item Name |
Check/Uncheck Checkbox (toggle) | Space | Space | Space |
Open a Drop-Down Menu | Alt+Down Arrow | Option+Down Arrow | Alt+Down Arrow |
General Mail & Newsgroups Shortcuts
Command | Windows | Mac | Linux |
Move to Next Mail Pane (Folder, QuickSearch, Thread, Message Panes) | F6 | F6 | F6 |
New Message | Ctrl+M | Cmd+Shift+M | Ctrl+M |
Message List Shortcuts
Command | Windows | Mac | Linux |
Command | Windows | Mac | Linux |
Save Message as File | Ctrl+S | Cmd+S | Ctrl+S |
Open Message (in a new window) | Ctrl+O | Cmd+O | Ctrl+O |
Delete Message | Del | Del | Del |
Undo Delete Message | Ctrl+Z | Cmd+Z | Ctrl+Z |
Select All Messages | Ctrl+A | Cmd+A | Ctrl+A |
Collapse All Threads | \ (backslash key) | \ (backslash key) | \ (backslash key) |
Expand All Threads | * (asterisk key) | * (asterisk key) | * (asterisk key) |
Message Source | Ctrl+U | Cmd+U | Ctrl+U |
Go to Next Message | F | F | F |
Go to Next Unread Message | N | N | N |
Go to Next Unread Thread | T | T | T |
Go to Previous Message | B | B | B |
Go to Previous Unread Message | P | P | P |
Reply to Message (replies only to sender) | Ctrl+R | Cmd+R | Ctrl+R |
Reply to All in Message (replies to sender and to other email addresses in message) | Ctrl+Shift+R | Cmd+Shift+R | Ctrl+Shift+R |
Forward Message | Ctrl+L | Cmd+L | Ctrl+L |
Edit as New (compose new email using the body and attachments of the selected message) | Ctrl+E | Cmd+E | Ctrl+E |
Mark Message as Read | M | M | M |
Mark Thread as Read | R | R | R |
Mark All Messages in Selected Folder as Read | Ctrl+Shift+C | Cmd+Shift+C | Ctrl+Shift+C |
Message Compose Shortcuts
Command | Windows | Mac | Linux |
Send Message Now | Ctrl+Enter | Cmd+Enter | Ctrl+Enter |
Send Message Later | Ctrl+Shift+Enter | Cmd+Shift+Enter | Ctrl+Shift+Enter |
Composer Shortcuts
Command | Windows | Mac | Linux |
Command | Windows | Mac | Linux |
Save Page | Ctrl+S | Cmd+S | Ctrl+S |
Open File | Ctrl+O | Cmd+O | Ctrl+O |
Close Page | Ctrl+W | Cmd+W | Ctrl+W |
Find in Page | Ctrl+F | Cmd+F | Ctrl+F |
Find Again | Ctrl+G | Cmd+G | Ctrl+G |
Insert/Edit Link | Ctrl+L | Cmd+L | Ctrl+L |
Increase Indent | Ctrl+[ | Cmd+[ | Ctrl+[ |
Decrease Indent | Ctrl+] | Cmd+] | Ctrl+] |
Discontinue Text Styles | Ctrl+Shift+T | Cmd+Shift+T | Ctrl+Shift+T |
Discontinue Link | Ctrl+Shift+K | Cmd+Shift+K | Ctrl+Shift+K |
Select Row/Column | Ctrl+Drag | Cmd+Drag | Ctrl+Drag |
Select Cells(s) | Ctrl+Click (drag to select block of cells, or continue clicking to select individual cells) | Cmd+Click (drag to select block of cells, or continue clicking to select individual cells) | Ctrl+Click (drag to select block of cells, or continue clicking to select individual cells) |
Decrease Font Size | Ctrl+- (minus sign) | Cmd+- (minus sign) | Ctrl+- (minus sign) |
Increase Font Size | Ctrl+= (equal sign) | Cmd+= (equal sign) | Ctrl+= (equal sign) |
Text Style Bold | Ctrl+B | Cmd+B | Ctrl+B |
Text Style Italic | Ctrl+I | Cmd+I | Ctrl+I |
Text Style Underline | Ctrl+U | Cmd+U | Ctrl+U |
Text Style Fixed Width | Ctrl+T | Cmd+T | Ctrl+T |
Help Window Shortcuts
Command | Windows | Mac | Linux |
Open Help and Support Center within Navigator, Mail & Newsgroups, Composer, and Address Book | F1 | Help Key | F1 |
Navigate Links within Content Pane (right pane) | Tab | Tab | Tab |
Switch between Content Pane and Search/Contents/Index/Glossary (toggle) | F6 | F6 | F6 |
Navigate Index Terms (while Index Pane is selected) | Up/Down Arrow | Up/Down Arrow | Up/Down Arrow |
Scroll Pane (Content, Table of Contents, or Index) | Up/Down Arrow | Up/Down Arrow | Up/Down Arrow |
Expand/Collapse Table of Contents Tree Structure | Left/Right Arrow | Left/Right Arrow | Left/Right Arrow |
Print Page | Ctrl+P | Cmd+P | Ctrl+P |
Go Back to Previous Page | Alt+Left Arrow Key | Alt+Left Arrow Key | Alt+Left Arrow Key |
Go Forward One Page | Alt+Right Arrow Key | Alt+Right Arrow Key | Alt+Right Arrow Key |
(tabel disunting dari situs